Hiranyakeshi Shrauta Sutram

Kalp is one of the structuring dynamics
of Rk Veda. It highlights the quality of TRANSFORMING
involved in structuring Rk Veda. With reference to consciousness,
Kalp comprises the specific sets of laws of Nature that are
engaged in promoting the quality of Devata the process
of observation, the dynamism of observing in the witnessing
quality of Rishi within the Samhita level of consciousness,
providing a structure to the eternally silent, self-referral,
self-sufficient, fully awake state of consciousness, which
is intimately personal to everyone. (complete
table of qualities)
In the physiology, Kalpa is represented by
the structures that process and transform any specific, or point value, of expression into a response that takes into consideration the totality of physiological expressions.
The limbic system plays the role of transforming any point value of
expression into an expanded response which generates an adaptive
adjustment of the physiology to maintain overall balance and
Prof. Tony Nader-Ram in Human
Physiology: Expression of Veda and the Vedic Literature,
pp. 82-83
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