
Aranyak is one of the structuring dynamics of Rk Veda. It highlights the STIRRING quality involved in structuring Rk Veda. With reference to consciousness, Aranyak comprises the specific sets of laws of Nature that are engaged in promoting the quality of Devata the process of observation, the dynamism of observing in the witnessing quality of Rishi within the Samhita level of consciousness, providing a structure to the eternally silent, self-referral, self-sufficient, fully awake state of consciousness, which is intimately personal to everyone. (complete table
of qualities)
Aranyak illustrates the underlying mechanics of transformation and processing through living examples. Maharishi explains the term as being 'Arany' and 'AK', which means the churning of 'AK'.
In the physiology, Aranyak is represented by the spino-spinal fasciculi or fasciculi proprii. These are short, crossed and uncrossed, ascending and descending fibre systems, which begin and end within the spinal cord.
Prof. Tony
Nader-Ram in Human Physiology: Expression of Veda and
the Vedic Literature,
p. 183 |
1. Jaiminīya Āraṇyak
2. Śhāṅkhāyana Āraṇyak
3. Chhāndogya Āraṇyak
4. Maitrāyaṇiya Āraṇyak
5. Aitareya Āraṇyak
6. Taittiriya Āraṇyak
